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In the world of art, there are many artists who live and work out of passion for their work. Many of them find themselves in the paradoxical situation of not being able to make a living from their art alone and therefore often have to pursue other activities in order to make ends meet financially. But beyond the usual working hours, after 8 o'clock in the evening, their creative fire awakens and they live out their art in all its diversity.

The works of these artists are as diverse as the people themselves. The spectrum ranges from paintings and sculptures to installations and performance art. Each artist has their own unique perspective and way of expressing themselves, and this diversity is reflected in their works. Some artists find inspiration in nature and create landscape paintings or sculptures that capture the beauty of their surroundings. Others, on the other hand, deal with social or political issues and use their art as a medium to convey messages and stimulate discussion. But regardless of the themes and techniques they choose, these artists share a common passion and dedication for their work. They invest hours, days and sometimes years into their projects to bring their visions to life. For many of these artists, their art is more than just a hobby or a side activity. It is an essential part of their life and identity. They can't help but create and pour their thoughts and feelings into their works. The art world would not be the same without these passionate artists. They enrich it with their diversity and bring in new perspectives and ideas. Their works inspire, provoke and move people all over the world. That is why it is important to recognize and support the work and dedication of these artists. Whether by buying their work, visiting their exhibitions or simply by sharing their art on social media - we can all help to ensure that their voices heard and their art lives on. In a world that is often dictated by schedules and commitments, these artists remind us that there is still a world of creativity and expression beyond 8 o'clock. A world that is alive with diversity and passion and invites us all to be a part of it. You are cordially invited to pause for a moment and take a look around this unique environment. Here, surrounded by a variety of artworks, you will find more than just a collection of paintings and sculptures. Here you will find a world full of emotions, stories and artistic passion. Take a look around and be inspired by the variety of works. Each piece tells its own story, reflects the thoughts and feelings of its creator and invites you in, begin your own journey through art. It is more than just time and money that has been invested in these works of art. It is the attention to detail, the dedication to perfection and the relentless search for expression and meaning that make them so special. Immerse yourself in this world of creativity and be enchanted by the beauty and diversity of the artworks. Take your time to look at every brushstroke, every shape and every color and let your thoughts flow freely. Whether you are an experienced art lover or visiting a gallery for the first time, this invitation is for anyone who wants to discover the beauty and power of art. So step inside, let yourself be seduced by the magic of these works of art and discover the infinite possibilities of artistic inspiration. We look forward to welcoming you here and exploring the fascinating world of art with you.

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Art Biennale in Venice

It's that time again. From April 24, 2024 to November 24, 2024, you can visit the world's creativity in Venice.