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How to find works of art that suit your personality

Choosing a work of art is a very personal decision that reflects both the taste and the soul of the viewer. Art speaks to different aspects of our identity â from our aesthetic preferences to profound emotional resonances. It is important to find art by an artist that you not only like, but that really suits you.

Understanding what appeals

The first step to finding art that suits you is to understand your own preferences. Ask yourself: What colors, shapes or themes attract me? Do I prefer abstract compositions or realistic depictions? Am I attracted to traditional oil paintings or modern digital art? Answering these questions can be an initial guide.

Emotional resonance and personal relevance

Art can evoke powerful emotional responses. A work of art that "speaks" to you can trigger feelings of joy, calm or even nostalgia. Look for works that tell a story or evoke a personal meaning or memory. Sometimes it's this emotional connection that takes a piece of art from just "nice to look at" to "essential".

Style and space

Art should not only match your personality, but also your living space. A large, vibrant painting can look out of place in a small, simply furnished room, while a fine, subtle drawing could be lost in a generously proportioned room. Consider the style and decor of your living or working space when choosing a work of art.

Exploring different artists

The world of art is vast and diverse. Our art gallery as an online platform does not replace art exhibitions and museums to explore different artists and styles. Subscribing to art newsletters or following artists on social media can provide new inspiration.

Budget and authenticity

Set yourself a realistic budget for buying art. Art doesn't have to be expensive to suit you. Also consider whether the authenticity of a work is important to you â do you prefer originals or are prints and reproductions also acceptable?


Finding art that suits you is an enriching journey that requires patience and self-reflection. It's not just about finding a beautiful painting, but a work of art, that represents a deeper connection and an expansion of your own living space. With the right considerations and a little research, you can find artwork that not only beautify your home, but are also a source of inspiration and joy.

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Art Biennale in Venice

It's that time again. From April 24, 2024 to November 24, 2024, you can visit the world's creativity in Venice.