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Key works and their interpretation

Cubism is an avant-garde movement that revolutionized the art world at the beginning of the 20th century. Characterized by figures such as Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, Cubism broke with conventional perspectives and introduced a new concept of composition characterized by the fragmentation and abstraction of forms. of forms. In this article, we take a look at some key works by artists known for their contributions to Cubism and interpret their significance and influence.

The foundations of Cubism

Cubism developed in two phases: analytical cubism and synthetic cubism. Analytical Cubism deconstructs objects into a variety of forms and depicts them in an often monochromatic style that minimizes depth and context. Synthetic cubism, on the other hand introduced brighter colors and mixed materials, including collages and pieces of paper to create new forms.

Influence and meaning

Cubism not only influenced the visual arts, but also had a lasting impact on design, sculpture and architecture. architecture. The techniques and styles of Cubism made a new kind of visual interpretation possible, which significantly defined modern art of the 20th century.


The cubist works of Picasso, Braque and Gris ushered in a new era of art, that profoundly changed Western art practice. The radical reinterpretation of form and perspective and perspective in Cubism remains a central anchor point for discussions about the development of modern art. By studying these works, art lovers and students can explore the complex interrelationships between seeing, representing and understanding.

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Art Biennale in Venice

It's that time again. From April 24, 2024 to November 24, 2024, you can visit the world's creativity in Venice.