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We see art as it is because we are here to see it! (© Ioannis Athanasias-Mayer)

The magic of looking: Why art only exists because we see it

In the world of art, the relationship between artist and viewer is of fundamental importance. Without the audience to view, discuss and experience the works, art would lose its profound meaning. For art exists not only on canvases or in sculptures, but in the eyes and hearts of those who view it. We see art as it is because we are here to see it. Every brushstroke, every form and every play of color only gains its true meaning through contemplation. Because art is more than just the artist's tool - it is a living, breathing manifestation of thoughts, emotions and ideas that tells a new story with every glance. When we stand in front of a work of art, we enter into a dialog with the artist. We interpret, reflect and feel as we explore the nuances of his work. In that moment, past and present, artist and viewer merge to create a unique connection that exists beyond space and time. But the magic of viewing goes beyond the artworks themselves. It also lies in the community that is created when people come together to experience art. In galleries, museums and exhibition spaces, we share our thoughts, discuss our impressions and discover new perspectives. These shared experiences strengthen our bond with art and make us realize how it connects us all, regardless of our background or circumstances. By looking at art, we not only learn about the world around us, but also about ourselves. We discover our preferences, awaken our curiosity and open our hearts to new possibilities. Every piece of art we look at leaves a mark on our soul and expands our horizons in immeasurable ways. So let's celebrate the magic of looking and explore art in all its facets. Because it only exists because we are here to see it. And in every glance lies the power to see and understand the world in a new way. The online art room in the virtual gallery presents works of art for art lovers. Browse and discover whatever you like and immerse yourself without having to leave your home. For artists, the Virtual Gallery can be an exciting platform to share their work with a global audience. Traditionally, artists have often been limited to local galleries to exhibit and sell their work. However, with the Virtual Gallery they can change this and showcase their artwork online, reaching a much wider audience. This allows artists to increase their visibility and sell their work nationally. -- Nothing good happens unless you do it --