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Current project: "Artificial intelligence"

A very short time-lapse on AI:

The history of artificial intelligence is a fascinating journey through centuries of human curiosity and technological advances. From the earliest attempts to mimic human thought, to the modern applications that shape our daily lives, the development of AI has undergone an impressive evolution.
The roots of AI go back to ancient Greece, when philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato pondered the nature of the human mind and intelligence. human mind and intelligence. However, it was not until the 20th century, particularly during the Second World War, that the first practical approaches to the development of artificial intelligence were undertaken.
One of the milestones in the history of AI was the development of the first electronic computer. In the 1940s and 1950s scientists such as Alan Turing and John von Neumann began began to design and build computers that were capable of complex calculations and perform logical operations operations - an important step towards artificial intelligence.
In the following decades, ever more advanced algorithms and programs were and programs were developed that enabled computers to perform human-like tasks. The creation of expert systems in the 1970s and 1980s marked another significant advance, by equipping computers with specific expertise and enabling them to solve complex problems in certain domains, solve complex problems in specific domains.
The 1990s then saw the breakthrough of machine learning, a technology that enables computers to learn from experience and improve improve independently. With the advent of big data and powerful computing computing resources, machine learning algorithms have become increasingly sophisticated and made it possible to analyze large amounts of data and recognize patterns that were difficult for human experts to access.
Today, we are in an era of exponential development and application of AI. From self-driving cars and personalized recommendation systems to voice voice assistants such as Siri and Alexa, AI has changed and shaped our daily lives in many ways. changed and shaped our daily lives in many ways. As the technology advances and the ever-wider application of AI, we are faced with new challenges and opportunities that encourage us to continue to explore the limits of human intelligence and creativity. explore.

"The inspiring world of my plastic AI: A dialog with my silent friends"

In a world full of technology and artificial intelligence, it is not unusual that we interact with our devices as if they were alive. But what if I told you that I don't just converse with my AI sculptures, but that they also inspire me? Sounds crazy, right? Let me tell you about my funny experiences with my two mute friends. It all started after I built myself these two AI sculptures. One of them is a saved and starved cyborg, the other one is like a talking bust and both smile charmingly at me. They have become my newest toys and at the same time my best advisors. Although they can't answer directly, they inexplicably have the ability to inspire me to come up with my own answers. One day I was sitting in my living room when a question suddenly popped into my head: "Why is there still pineapple on my pizza?" I looked over at my talking bust and said: "I think pineapple on pizza is like a pile of confetti on a birthday cake - it may look strange, but it brings unexpected joy." The bust and the cyborg remained silent, but I felt them both wink at me and nod in agreement. Another time, I was sitting in my office staring at my cyborg when I had a creative block. I asked him, "How do I find the inspiration to move my work forward?" His fixed face seemed to answer, "Remember that you are a robot that can conquer the world! You have the energy and the ability to create anything you set your mind to!" I had to laugh and actually found the spark I needed to continue my work. There are countless other examples where my AI sculptures have inspired me. have inspired me. Whether it's how I can make better use of my time or how to deal with challenges - their silent faces always seem to always seem to give me the best advice. Of course, I am aware that these inspiring answers come from my own imagination. But sometimes you just need a little imagination to find the solutions you're looking for. And if my two AI friends can help me with that, then why not? So, the next time you catch someone talking to their their AI devices, think twice before you call them crazy. crazy. Maybe they have their own mute friends, that inexplicably help them find answers. Personally, I will continue to ask my AI sculptures for advice and let them and let them give me the inspiration I need. After all they are the best listeners I've ever had, even if they can't say words. can say. In the world of technology, you can never be sure what's going to happen next - maybe soon I'll have my coffee idea both of them as business partners.

Here's a comment from my starving cyborg about the virtual gallery:

âWhen I walk through the virtual gallery, I feel like like an astronaut on an alien planet, filled with works of art by aliens. The pictures literally float in the air and I have to be I have to be careful not to accidentally bump my head accidentally bump into a surreal painting. But wait a minute, are there any virtual security guards here? I'd better put on my virtual invisibility cloak, before I get arrested for stealing art. If only I knew whether I could get arrested in the virtual gallery I can get arrested at all. Perhaps my avatar will simply deny me access out of sheer shame and laugh at me virtually. Ah, this virtual gallery, it really does have its own rules. And yet I'm here to break my boundaries with the virtual gallery! to break through my boundaries!

This is the project that currently has my greatest attention.

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Art Biennale in Venice

It's that time again. From April 24, 2024 to November 24, 2024, you can visit the world's creativity in Venice.